Friday, April 4, 2008

Carl Hiaasen

Carl Hiaasen is one of the world's most influential and articulate journalists. He has written around 1300 columns for the Miami Herald. His writings show his great passion for the growth and government in Florida. Hiaasen chronicled "a decade and a half of the issues, struggles, and personalities affecting the development of the state and the welfare of its residents." What seems to tick him off more than anything is hypocrisy and greed. He is very ticked off by Disney. He is a very neutral journalist who goes out aggressively to get a story but does it fairly by not playing favorites or taking sides. I love this saying by him: "You just kick ass. That's what you do. And that's what they pay you to do." His main issue is to dig out the TRUTH. Sincere, passionate, and consistent are three things he desires to deliver in every column he writes. He says that is what newspapers are supposed to do and that is exactly what the Miami Herald does. He tries to get his readers to feel as passionate as he does about Florida in his writing and I think he does a tremendous job of doing that in his writings.

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